Monday, March 6, 2017

No, NY Times, Abbas Does Not Accept the Jewish State - by Gilead Ini

...Abbas "has never disavowed" the article in which he referred to a Jewish state, Miller insists. Perhaps not. But he has certainly disavowed the idea on which Miller's Op-Ed is premised, the idea that he accepts a Jewish state, again and again and again. And again, too, The New York Times has allowed its readers to be egregiously misled.

Gilead Ini..
CAMERA News Analyses..
01 March '17..

Mahmoud Abbas isn't shy about his rejection of the Jewishness of Israel. "I've said it before, and I'll say it again," the Palestinian leader stated in 2011. "I will never recognize the Jewishness of the state, or a 'Jewish state.'"

Again in 2014, Abbas reiterated that he and his people will not "accept" the idea of a Jewish state. "The Palestinians won't recognize the Jewishness of the State of Israel and won't accept it," he said. "The Israelis say that if we don't recognize the Jewishness of Israel there would be no solution. And we say that we won't recognize or accept the Jewishness of Israel and we have many reasons for this rejection."

And yet again in 2015: "We won't accept a Jewish state," he told the PLO Central Council. A couple of sentences later, he added, "We are also against the Jewish state because of the many things it would mean in the future."

He repeated in 2016 that the "Palestinian leadership categorically rejects the idea of a Jewish Israel."

Enter today's Op-Ed by Elhanan Miller in The New York Times, which speaks of Abbas's purported acceptance of Israel's Jewishness, and suggests that those who claim otherwise are manipulatively "concealing" the truth from the public.

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